Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Thorp of Barrowcliff

Bertrad Marja Halfelf Commoner 2
Hoiquiess Enna Warrior 4

Jolest Guard
Gar Aryon Halfling Warrior2/Rogue3
Yslarovon Úldiluin Elf Ranger 3
Achim Ankus Halfelf Fighter 5
Ikitur Duis Gnome Rogue 3

Captain of the guard
Reena Turvor Gnome Cleric 8

Population: 658
Elves live around the Thorp in small groups, while coexisting with halflings. The gnomes mainly reside within the Barrow and surrounding areas. They also keep the upkeep of the forts and make most of the weapons and defenses. A very small number of halflings also live with the elves. Although the elves plant trees there is not much of a forest to speak of.

The main source of income are mines underneath the Barrow. There fortifications are weak, but the natural incline to the Thorp allow for a small garrison of archers to defend against invaders. Raiders still try the small Thorp, but their natural defenses and experience against orcs, goblins, and the Totalitarian Lochwall.

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